On 15/8/2012, lease agreements were signed with CPI Byty, a.s. The Prague 18 district now manages all the land that is within the scope of the Letňany lentils project. The lease is agreed for a period of 20 years for a symbolic CZK 1 / year. In the following years, the land will be gradually transferred to the ownership of the municipality at minimal cost. The transfer process is complicated mainly due to the many easements that result from the complex underground infrastructure in the housing estate.
At the same time, the land of Tereos TTD is leased, more here. A lease agreement for plot 757/5, which is owned by Avia, a.s., will soon be concluded.
For the purposes of the subsidy application, the City of Prague 18 has also temporarily leased land adjacent to houses owned by SVJ or CPI, or subject to future agreements between SVJ and CPI. These plots are leased only for a definite period, which ends on the day of the transfer of the plot from CPI to SVJ, but no longer than 2019 (5 years after the completion of the project). The future contracts concluded between SVJ and CPI are not affected by this temporary lease. More information is given in section for SVJ.
Greenery management and land maintenance is now fully managed by the municipality. In the case of comments on the state of greenery, or on the mess, citizens can turn to the Department of Economic Property Administration of the Prague 18 District, contact here.