When will we destroy the Lentils?

WP_20140808_008The lentils are gradually being completed – a rocking lentil was opened at the beginning of August and more will be added in the near future. Lentils usually replaced hundreds of square meters of old asphalt playgrounds and concrete sandpits. Thus, new elements are gradually emerging in the housing estate that have not been here so far. Of course, new playgrounds, swings, slides and fitness machines will also attract vandals. How long will it last us?

All elements on the lentils will be included in the city furniture. They will undergo regular visual inspections (approximately twice a month) and revisions exactly according to warranty and legislative requirements. The Chlebovická courtyard is a good example of how Letňany can take care of its property. There are several playgrounds and greenery, which look great 5 years after construction. The advantage, of course, is that it is a complete complex, which has its own administrator.


Lentils are a slightly different case. They are spread throughout the housing estate and do not form a single coherent whole. However, the same care will be given to them as to other elements of urban furniture, exactly in accordance with the ČSN EN 1176-7 standard. Standard supervision will be performed by city police officers on their patrols. A camera system will also be installed as part of the project. This is the first realization in Letňany so far and we hope that in the following years the cameras will be extended to other streets as well.

A separate issue is the fencing of smarties. The pyramid and sports field fence have. Lentilka for the youngest, which is in Malkovského, more or less also. The fence does not make sense at the fountain and sitting on a small square. However, we left the gym and rocking lantern without a fence. We have been discussing with designers and architects for a long time whether a fence is yes or no, and if so, which… Personally, I am not in favor of any boundaries, restrictions and fixed fences that have a single purpose – to “force” restrict someone’s access.


Maybe my idea is naive, but I believe that everyone should know how to behave in different places. Everyone should realize for themselves that alcohol is not drunk on the playground, bottles are not broken, they are not hardened and the handles to the swings are not destroyed there. After all, every dog owner should understand that he must not let his pet urinate where children are playing. The right gentleman should shout at his dog or bitch so that they do not need to be in the sandbox.


We take the non-fence at swings and the gym as such a test of whether we can behave naturally and correctly towards our surroundings. Let’s take it as a test that we don’t need fences, orders, laws and the police to clean up a mess or, better yet, not to do it at all. Building a small fence around the swings next year is a simple matter. However, I believe our neighbors from the housing estate that this will not be necessary.

2 thoughts on “When will we destroy the Lentils?”

  1. Je škoda, že u tak veliké investice nepočítáte se správcem. Pokud dozor je na městské policii, tak mi chybí fantazie, jak bude probíhat. Za 25 let tady totiž ani jednou neprošel městský strážník. Maximálně projedou autem a nic neřeší, ani ničení mobiliáře, povalování bezdomovců a jejich používání keříků na sídlišti jako WC, ani přestupky při parkování. Budou-li pokračovat stejně zodpovědně, pak je škoda cokoliv stavět.

    1. Dobrý den paní Čekalová, moc díky za dotaz. Je skvělé, že se ptáte, alespoň mohu představit náš plán dlouhodobé udržitelnosti Lentilek. Se správcem samozřejmě počítáme. Bude pravidelně kontrolovat stav hřišť a prvků na nich. Bude provádět pravidelné vizuální kontroly, opravy, technické revize a další potřebné věci týkající se městského mobiliáře. Zároveň má naše obec vlastní technickou četu, kterou můžete v Letňanech potkat, jak dělá údržbu, uklízí nebo opravuje městský majetek a v zimě například odklízí sníh.

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