The representative and councilor of the Letňany district, Jan Mikulecký, conducts negotiations with CPI, which results in a contract being prepared for the transfer or long-term lease of land inside and around the housing estate. The transferred land will be primarily intended for revitalization within the Letňanská lentilka project, which was rebuilt to the public on 15/9.
The project will also include land that is directly next to prefabricated houses. These lands are transferred by CPI to individual SVJs for a fee. Many plots of land have already been transferred to SVJ and there are others. The table below shows the condition of the land as of 30/9/2011.
State | Number of SVJ |
Future purchase agreement signed | 32 |
Future purchase agreement approved by the SVJ assembly, not yet signed | 2 |
Negotiations on the future purchase agreement between CPI and SVJ have taken place and approval at the meeting can be expected by the end of 2011. | 12 |
Negotiations on a future purchase agreement between CPI and SVJ will begin by the end of 2011 | 21 |
Negotiations on a future purchase agreement between CPI and SVJ will begin (date not specified) | 5 |
Negotiations on the sale have ended, SVJ will not buy the land | 2 |
Total SVJ | 74 |
“More than 60% of SVJ has already bought the land or ended the negotiations and is waiting for a meeting, where it can be assumed that the transfer of land will be approved. Others are negotiating the sale. will submit a proposal for the inclusion of SVJ land in the project, “says representative Jan Mikulecký.