The Letňanská lentilka project will significantly interfere with the parking system in the housing estate. After the completion of all 8 stages, about 140 will be added. During the gradual implementation of individual stages, the balance of parking spaces will always be positive, ie. that there will be no loss of parking spaces that would not be replaced in the vicinity as part of the construction of an already completed, identical or immediately following stage.
After the public presentation of Letňany lentils in September 2011, false information and rumors about the total cancellation of all parking spaces in Krausova Street began to spread through the housing estate. It’s not true. The project prefers active and green areas in the middle of the housing estate and parking on its edge. However, Krausova remains an important artery that connects Malkovského and Místecká and cars will park along its edge, as shown in the picture.
Most of Krausova Street will not be solved until the 7th stage, the implementation of which is expected after 2014. In total, at least 60 parking spaces will remain in Krausova Street and none of them is planned as paid. Of course, the seats will remain reserved for the disabled. City Hall will not build any parking garages on the housing estate and subsequently force residents to rent expensive parking spaces.
The first design from the architects is the basic concept of the project. When preparing detailed project documentation, the future of Krausova Street will be intensively discussed with citizens in the same way as it is with Kuželova, Malkovského or Místecká streets. And it will be the citizens of Krausova Street who will decide on its future appearance.
The public presentation of the project showed that parking is a key topic of discussion about the project and is often preferred by people to green spaces. Letňany lentils will bring both, new parking spaces and more greenery.