Letňany lentils affect the lives of thousands of people in the housing estate and are not an exceptional building that differs from similar buildings in residential areas. Some activities go slower, others faster. In Ivančická we discovered panels under the grass. Next to Místecká 448, where a new car park is already open, there were again problems with sewerage. These are standard unpredictable issues that are addressed on every construction site. The situation changes every day.
In Ivančická, the base for a rocking lantern has been ready for a few weeks now. The swings have been in stock for 2 months, but unfortunately the supplier of the tartan surface “exploded”. But in a few days, everything should go according to plan.
Jančova is also a chapter in itself. We’ve done probes before to estimate how much asphalt and concrete needs to be sanded. The fact showed that we would have to do probes every meter, because the socialist builders saved in one place and then poured perhaps the whole concrete plant by 3 meters next to it.
In many places, new sidewalks have already been completed. In some places, surfaces for greenery are already prepared – the soil is level. The grass will be sown continuously and, depending on the weather, rather until the end of the holidays. It doesn’t matter that weeds are growing there. It will be removed before sowing.
Planting of greenery is also planned until the end of the project. We will not plant trees if we still have heavy equipment after construction. The four trees planted in Místecká were an attempt by the contractor to force the greenery left over from another project. Fortunately, we have very high-quality professional supervision of greenery and, of course, new trees will be planted.
The perennial flowerbeds that will be in front of the houses in Malkovského and Místecká streets have prepared documents. However, planting will take place at the end of the holidays. Now we could plant perennials, but the bulbs will not be so warm. However, it would not be effective to make a fence around, which would make the subsequent planting of bulbs more difficult. Without the fence, perennials would again succumb to the onslaught of our dog pets. So we will do everything at once in August-September.
The building is in full swing over the holidays. The children should get the first smarties during the holidays. Jančova will be closed at the end of July and then it will open with dozens of new parking spaces up to Kuželov. ATTENTION! The car park in Místecká will be closed from 20 July. Please park your cars before you go on holiday.
Lentils are a very large building and thanks to the fact that it takes place throughout the housing estate, it affects us all. Skanska delivers the project as a whole, the final date is in the autumn. The partial terms mentioned above are to be considered as informative only, as they are very dependent on the current situation on the construction site. And that changes every day. The current construction is a burden for all of us who live in the housing estate. For the last 20 years, the housing estate has only grown old and dilapidated, now we are making it a modern place to live. Please hold it until the autumn. Thanks a lot.
Dobrý den,
včera se poprvé dalo parkovat na parkovišti v Místecké ulici. Ráda bych se ale zeptala, zda tentokrát už bude někdo kontrolovat způsob parkování. Jde o to, že si, někteří naši spoluobčané zaparkují večer auto doprostřed mezi zaparkované vozy jen proto, že musí na své auto vidět, nebo jsou líní dojít kus pěšky ( nevím co je větší důvod) a tím značně zkomplikují nebo zcela zamezí výjezd zaparkovaných vozidel.
Dobrý den, včera večer jsem se šel podívat, jak moc je parkoviště zaplněné a vyfotil jsem toto (2AJ 2071):

Kontrolu špatného parkování může provádět jen státní nebo městská policie. Bohužel to nepřísluší radnímu ani starostovi… i přesto, že bych podobné řidiče vytahal za uši a vrátil do autoškoly.